It’s an interesting thing, buying someone’s home. Even in a market where the buyer has advantages, the seller still will make the decision influenced by their emotions. The decision to sell one’s home is never easy, especially if you’ve been there for years. A lot of work goes into selling a home and if people are willing to go through that process, they are going to have an emotional attachment to the decision making.

While money talks, making a good impression can give you a better situation all around when buying a home. Sometimes, people associate the negation period and moments of communication as opportunities to bargain or name conditions. Instead, try to take money out of the equation and think of what this process is going to be like for them. Would you want to sell something to someone who was rude or pushy? Even if you did, you would want as much as you can. On the other hand, if someone offered you a bit less but was nicer you’d probably take that and do more for them.

How To Impress Homeowners

Impressing homeowners when trying to buy their home can be a little tricky. One example is if you never have any communication with the owner. Many people prefer to have their realtors handle everything and they simply discuss the matters with the realtor to ensure they are aware of the their options and the best way to move forward. Even if that’s the case, there are still ways you can make the realtor and the owner take a preference to you as a buyer:

  1. Be prequalified: This is the first thing the realtor or anyone selling their home wants to know. Unless you are paying in full, you need to be prequalified if you want to be taken seriously.
  2. Compliments are always appreciated: The attitude of the seller should be grateful for the offer never goes well despite what’s seen on television. In reality, buyers who are serious love the property and are open about what they like about it.
  3. Be ready to buy: A more challenging area of being an impressive buying candidate is that you are not making offers contingent on you being able to sell your current residence. This is tricky and why it could be done in a strong market, it may not work all the time.
  4. Choose discounts over conditions: If you love the property but inspections show that it needs some work, try to cut the price rather than add conditions. For example, if the property needs a new roof and it’s estimated that it will cost $20,000 but the insurance will not be an issue for you for the first year, ask for a deduction or $10,000 in the price. You are borrowing less money and saving the homeowner the hassle of paying for the new roof and waiting to sell until after.

Making yourself a better prospective buyer can also help you get the property faster and also allow you to get your way in areas where it would be better for the homeowner to handle the matter or more convenient for you. Throughout these negotiations there must be a balance and remember, people will tend to take the path of least resistance, even if it costs them a little money.